Accessibility Statement

We are committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to all users. This page outlines:

  • Our commitment to making our website accessible;
  • The accessibility features we have implemented;
  • How you can contact us if you have questions or feedback.

Our Commitment

We strive to ensure that our website conforms to the Level A criteria of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

Accessibility Features

Keyboard Navigation

We provide ‘skip to main content’ links that allow users to bypass the navigation menu and access key content directly.

Adjustable Text Size

Text size can be adjusted using your browser’s text-resizing feature, typically found under “View” – “Text Size”.

Image Alternative Text

All images on this site are accompanied by suitable alternative text.

Structured Headings

We use HTML heading elements to structure pages, aiding navigation for assistive technologies.

Descriptive Link Text

Hyperlinks are designed to be meaningful out of context. Links are distinctly styled to stand out from regular text.

Script Independence

Our site remains navigable and functional even if JavaScript or other scripts are not supported by your browser.

Colour Contrast

We ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colours and do not convey information by colour alone.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Pages are styled with CSS to enhance presentation, while structured markup ensures content remains accessible with CSS disabled.

Contacting Us

Should you encounter any issues accessing information on our site, or if you have suggestions for improvement, please contact us. We welcome your feedback.